Virus Removal Services
Viruses, Malware, Trojans, Worms and more!
There are several categories of what computer professionals call malware: viruses, trojans, worms, rootkit, ransomware & spyware just to name a few. While there are technical differences between them, most non-computer professionals simply refer to the entire group as viruses. No matter what you call them, however, once one of them has made it's home in your computer you just want it removed as quickly as possible.Not all viruses publicize the fact that they've installed themselves on your PC. Unfortunately, some viruses are harder to detect. If you experience any of the following symptoms you may have a virus:
- Your computer is running slower than normal
- You get lots of unusual error messages
- You have icons that have suddenly appeared on your desktop
- You have new or unwanted pop-ups
- Your computer stops responding
- Your computer seems to be locked up
- Your computer crashes
- You get the "Blue Screen of Death"
- Your programs don't seem to run correctly
- Your not able to close programs or pages properly
- Your drives (hard disks, CD drives, DVD drives, etc…) that are inaccessible
If you can't get your antivirus program started, or the scan doesn't find anything but the problems persist) then contact Mike at810-354-8511 immediately.